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    發表  搞鬼@死神 周四 2月 12, 2009 11:22 pm



    Windows Vista/XP/2000 + Server 2003 & 2008

    x64 Edition for Windows Vista/XP/2000 + Server 2003 & 2008

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    發表  搞鬼@死神 周四 2月 12, 2009 11:26 pm

    cFosSpeed, 使用Traffic Shaping (通信量调整功能)加快网速

    * 宽带连接:DSL、有限电视等电缆连接
    * 窄带连接:调制解调器、综合业务数字网 (ISDN)
    * 移动设备:手机、掌上电脑等
    * 应答游戏以及例如 eMule,Kazaa 等的对等网络
    * 游戏、娱乐
    * 流媒体服务、VoIP 语音电话服务


    * 低 Ping 值
    * 程式优先顺序
    * 流量塑型协定优先顺序
    * 在线计数器
    * 防火墙

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    發表  搞鬼@死神 周四 2月 12, 2009 11:27 pm

    Normal data transfer
    解决网速问题+提升网速+稳定网速 Ani_1_sm

    No Traffic Shaping
    解决网速问题+提升网速+稳定网速 Ani_2_sm[/img]


    cFos Traffic Shaping
    解决网速问题+提升网速+稳定网速 Ani_3_sm
    使用 cFos 通信量调整功能:

    cFos 通信量调整功能可以减少数据在传输过程中的延迟现象,让你在访问网络的时候,可以获取更快的速度。而你现在才真正享受到你的带宽极限速度!

    在 TCP/IP 传输过程中,当每次新的数据发送前,都需要对之前的数据对方是否接收到而进行确认。而在延迟或者传输速率低下的情况时,这些确认用的数据包就会被迫延误而无法到达目的地。此时数据发送方就不得不耗费一定的时间来等待接收这些确认数据。特别是针对 DSL 和电缆连接的用户,当上传速度达到一定的程度时,上行数据就很有可能减缓或者显著的降低下载速度,尤其是对于拥有较小上行速率的用户表现的很严重。这是因为当上行被占满时,数据的确认就会被这些上行的数据所阻塞而延迟。

    目前为止,在一般情况下,我们都会通过增加 TCP 数据包的容量,让它可以一次发送更多的数据而不需要立即的确认。此时存在的主要问题就是,这样的修改方式,将会导致 Ping 值居高不下(造成网络延迟现象,俗称的 Lag),对于浏览网页尤其是进行网络游戏的用户,这样很可能造成严重的后果。对于 TCP 包大小在 64k 的数据包,延迟接近 2 秒的话,就已经很不正常了。总而言之,仅仅将 TCP 数据包的容量增大,并不会让你的下载速度达到带宽的极限数值。

    相比之下,cFos 的通信量调整功能,可以通过调整数据包传输的优先级别,让比较重要的数据包优先通过而让确认数据可以尽快的到底目的地,下载速度也不再因为上传而有所影响!

    cFos 所采用的通信量调整技术,通过识别数据包的类型来确认它们的优先级。这样做,除了可以保持网络传输的顺畅,还能确保在高速的传输过程中,让用户获得最低的 Ping 值。它不仅仅可以加速浏览网页,提高下载速度,也可以为你在网络游戏中的驰骋带来更稳定的速度保证。

    通过 cFos 通信量调整技术,你会发现使用它,可以有下面多种好处:

    * 即便在上传文件,也可以保证下载达到满速
    * 稳定而快速的响应时间,让你享受到在网络中冲浪的快感
    * VoIP 语音通话质量的明显改善

    高速度,低 Ping 值
    解决网速问题+提升网速+稳定网速 Rtt_sm
    多重下载和上传过程中的 Ping 值变化
    = 此数值越低越好 RTT diagram
    1-4 个上传时:使用了 cFos 让 Ping 响应时间保持最低状态,而 XP 的连接驱动程序则降低了系统的传输效率。

    在没有使用通信量调整功能的情况下,Ping 响应时间很快就上涨到让人诧异的 2 秒,这会在使用 Telnet 或 SSH 的过程中让用户感觉非常的不便。而使用了 cFos 的通信息量调整功能,网络延迟一直保持在正常的水平,并不会发生太大的变化。



    首先,cFos 的通信息量调整技术,是通过测量每个网络连接中,上、下行速率和 Ping 的延迟时间的关系。然后它利用这些信息,对于全部的网络数据传输进行优先级别的调整并对传输进行控制。与此同时,通信量调整功能也会对剩余带宽进行动态分配,适当的将其分配到需要的独立连接中。

    对于 cFos 的通信量调整功能,它除了可以通过优先级来调整确认数据包的传输,也可以对其它数据包,例如 Telnet 和 SSH 所使用的数据包进行调整。因此,使用了 cFos 的通信量调整功能,文件分享(P2P 下载程序等)程序或者邮件发送会影响你的网络访问的情况,都将成为历史!



    * RX 调整功能
    确保在文件下载过程中让 Ping 的响应时间保持在较低水平(更快的响应速度),即便是同时下载多个文件,也不会因此而相互影响。
    * ACK 过滤功能
    可以优化 TCP/IP 确认数据包的传输,从而让上行拥有更充裕的带宽。
    * 独立程序的优先级调整功能
    * 高质量的 VoiP 语音通话
    可以通过对 RTP 数据包的识别和优先级调整来实现。
    * 通过 Layer-7 分析调整其它协议的优先级别
    可以通过程序内建的过滤规则,对诸如 HTTP、FTP、POP3、SMTP、ICMP、SSH、Telnet 和 DNS 等通讯服务或协议进行调整。

    cFos 5.5 秒
    XP 19.6 秒
    cFos 8.3 秒
    XP 39.2 秒
    当你在同时下载一个和两个文件的时候,cFos 可以让你享受到比 XP 内建的拨号驱动程序快三倍的速度!
    测试日期:2004 年 9 月
    连接方式:DSL 768/128

    首先,需要声明的一点就是,仅仅测试单独的下载或者上传,只能测量出你的宽带连接的最大下行和上行速率。这也是为什么我们会同时进行至少两个文件的下载或上传来测试 cFos 的通信量调整功能:

    不管 cFos 还是 cFosSpeed 都将会对连接进行校准。也就是说,安装此程序之后,通过几天时间的测试和校准,它才能达到最优化的调整效果。在这段时间内,尽可能的进行下载和上传(最好是达到满速),将有助于程序进行校准。

    现在来进行一个测试,例如通过电子邮件发送一个最少 5MB 的文件。在一般的连接情况下,需要大概 5 分钟的时间来进行测试。而对于每次测试之后,你应该清空浏览器的缓存并且记录网页打开(完整读取)的时间。为了获取最准确的结果,你应该多测试几次。
    此数值越高越好 transfer rates

    例如,在一次的上传和下载中,一个典型的 DSL 连接(连接速率:768 kbit/s)所提供的下载速度应该在 87 kbyte/s 左右,上传速度大概在 16 kbyte/s 左右。大概有 11.5 kbyte/s 将会用于上传,而剩余的 4.5 kbyte/s 将会用在处理下载过程中的数据包确认。

    最简单并且准确的跟踪 Ping 响应时间的方法就是使用我们提供的免费工具:hrPing[img]解决网速问题+提升网速+稳定网速 Load_sm

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    發表  搞鬼@死神 周四 2月 12, 2009 11:35 pm

    cFosSpeed 特点列表


    * 宽带:光纤接入 和DSL
    * 窄带:调制解调器和ISDN
    * 移动电话 (UMTS, HSDPA, GSM, GPRS, HSCSD)
    * 媒介
    o DSL, PPPoE
    o DSL, PPPoA (VCmux and LLC)
    o DSL, PPTP
    o VDSL
    o 光纤接入
    o ISDN
    o IP over AAL
    o RFC1483/2684 桥接


    * 路由器和拨号连接
    * 局域网和无线局域网
    * 路由器和桥接模式
    * 虚拟专用网
    * 同时多个处理
    * 可调整的线路
    * 多IP地址支持


    * Multi-User version
    * TX and RX-Shaping
    * L7 协议分析
    * 计划的优先顺序
    * RTP/VoIP 检波
    * 5 优先队列
    * 独特的过滤语言规则


    * 低等待时间模式
    * 自动 MTU优化


    * 在线计数器
    * 使用图
    * 连接概要
    * 皮肤下载
    * 防火墙
    * 数据和封包日志
    * 32-Bit和 64-Bit 版本
    * 十二种语言

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    發表  搞鬼@死神 周四 2月 12, 2009 11:38 pm

    CfosSpeed Changelog
    What's new? cFosSpeed


    * New feature
    + Improvement
    ! Software change requires modification of your configuration
    x Bugfix
    - Information only

    Revision history: ---------------------------------------------------------

    cFosSpeed 4.50 build 1456 -- 10-Feb-2009

    + Added new skin: "LC History"; it's like our well-known Liquid Crystal skin,
    but with a history that scrolls to the left.

    + Added Layer-7 detection for large HTTP downloads (client & server).
    HTTP transfers which take more than 1 sec. at full speed are now
    classified as HTTP_C_BULK / HTTP_S_BULK and have low priority as
    default. You can change the priority in the Layer-7 Protocol prioritization
    dialog. Warning: This will only work, if the current HTTP connection
    is not reused by the browser. Otherwise the first classification
    will be used. The next version will remove this limitation.

    + Speeded memory allocation.

    + Improved detection of packets that NDIS sends erroneously to cFosSpeed.

    x Added better handling of multiple but different SYN segments and improved
    recovery after ACK for unsent data. Thanks to khashayar zayyani for help.

    x Fixed a crash with Cisco Systems VPN Client. Thanks to Hardi Trenkel for
    crash dump file.

    x Adapters were sometimes unbound too fast, which caused Windows problems.

    x It seems some networks trash the Ping IP packet when they return it to the
    sender and cFosSpeed couln't find the replies in its lists. Thus, we
    relaxed the check a bit. Thanks to Deepak for bug report.

    x Tried to fix problem with socket error sending pings that caused ping
    balloons. Thanks to yen linh for report.

    x Fixed a bug where cFosSpeed would not properly reset the 'bridged'
    setting when the router resets while cFosSpeed is running. Thanks to 4wd
    for bug report and testing.

    x Sometimes HTTP, SSL and SSH non-BULK l7-protocols would stay on default
    priority even if the l7-protocol priority was set to high. Fixed. Thanks
    to mumia for bug report.

    x Fixed a crash under Vista that would close spd.exe. Thanks to SyntaX.

    x Fixed x64 installer: now it pops up UAC dialog under Vista to make you full
    Admin. This bug was introduced in build 1433.

    x Fixed some Windows object security problems.

    x L7 protocols SSL_C, SSL_S and SSH sometimes switched between _BULK and
    regular versions periodically. This has been amended.

    - Removed obsolete NDIS handler.

    - Removed speed.gadget from distribution. It can now be downloaded from
    our website.

    cFosSpeed 4.24 build 1420 -- 03-Jul-2008

    x The saved "spd dump -save" setting was never read. Fixed.

    cFosSpeed 4.22 build 1406 -- 25-Jun-2008

    + Filter expressions -s and -d now accept lists of addresses. Thanks to
    reMiND for the idea.

    + Added a switch to log all TCP connections with their adresses, ports,
    statistics, etc. to a disk file. This may be good if you want to see
    what happened, when you didn't watch the status window. The data of the
    sessions is not saved, only statistics.

    To activate set "spd gset log_sessions 1". Add a "-save" if you want to
    keep it activated after a restart. The disk file is called
    session_log.txt; you can set it max size with gset variable
    max_session_log_size, default is 1mb.

    + Added spd command "tcb" to show interactively some of the info that is
    written to session_log.txt.

    x Fixed psched.sys crash. Thanks to Reinhold Gose for dump file.

    x IP reassembly code was broken. Fixed.

    x Fixed a cfosspeed.exe crash. Thanks to Steffen Rose for report.

    x Low latency mode lowered the TCP MSS even in cases where the increased
    amount of TCP ACKs would totally saturate the upstream. We now only
    lower the MSS if the RX and TX rates are reasonably symmetrical. Thanks
    to Oliver Rauh for bug report.

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    發表  搞鬼@死神 周四 2月 12, 2009 11:40 pm

    x To fix the case where line geometry is such that you have lots of download
    and not much upload (like 1024/32) we now limit the amount of data that
    is sent out prioritised in classes high and higher to 40% of TX-bandwidth
    each. If that limit is exceeded, packets are sent out like any other
    packet is with default priority.

    cFosSpeed 4.20 build 1389 -- 12-Feb-2008

    + Added support for Vista Sidebar Gadgets. See speed.gadget in the
    cFosSpeed installation directory (double-click to install after first
    re-boot). This sample gadget demonstrates how to create your own
    sidebar gadgets. Feel free to contact us. We might be interested in
    publishing your gadget on our website.

    + New language: Arabic! That makes a total of 18 languages supported.
    Even more languages are downloadable from our web site, here:

    + trace.txt is now in UTF-8 coding, but without a byte-order marker at the
    beginning. Use e.g. notepad for viewing.

    + The gset parameter passthru can now be set to 2. This will still bypass
    all shaping and packet modification logic, but not as radical as
    passthru = 1. Debugging purpose only.

    + Added func_trace = 2. This will dump NDIS_PACKETS with all fields into
    trace.txt. Debugging purpose only.

    + Network adapters are no longer unbound if set to "Auto". Only setting them
    to "No" will force the unbind. Thanks to Andrey Chernov for his help.

    + Added a way to change and save rtt_tab's. Thanks to Darko Grskovic for

    + If class installer is locked, adding a route is retried every 3 seconds.

    x Fixed a long-standing bug (maybe as old as v2.13): packets were sometimes
    sent to the wrong network adapter. This could have happened whenever you
    had more than one active adapter. This could fix problems with Hamachi,
    VPN software, multiple network cards or bridging. Please test and report!

    x Fixed a rare crash while loading. Maybe this crash only appeared with
    certain VPN software. Thanks to Christopher Moffett for the dump file.

    x Testing whether not activating the device will fix freezes after
    installation under Vista.

    x Cleaned up NDIS packet handling.

    x Buttons in the icon skins where not working under Windows Vista. Fixed.

    x Now setting 'inhibit_bridged' will immediately change 'bridged' variable.
    Thanks to Velouria for the bug report.

    x Some internal rewrite to fix a spurious bluescreen.

    cFosSpeed 4.06 build 1353 -- 29-Oct-2007

    + Variable shaper will regain full speed quicker after it slowed down when
    congestion was detected.

    + Certian WLAN line status codes are no longer logged to trace file. This
    should help in keeping the trace file small and readable.

    + Some network adapters don't notify cFosSpeed about route changes. You
    can now notify it manually by the new context menu option
    "re-detect routes".

    x Historical maximum speeds no longer fall for the moment. It caused too
    much problems.

    x cFosSpeed window would stay open on a WAN connection even if you set it
    not to shape the connection. Fixed.

    cFosSpeed 4.04 build 1336 -- 06-Sep-2007

    + You can now even set a more limited subnet mask override (see
    subnet_override). Thanks to Zyw for inspiration.

    + Added "spd cperf" command to switch on or off class traffic dumping. By
    setting "spd cperf on" cFosSpeed will dump about once per second how many
    bytes were sent in what priority class. This can help in testing filter
    rules or finding performance problems.

    + When cFosSpeed's variable shaper is sending slow because of tx congestion
    and that congestion goes away, cFosSpeed will now return to its old tx speed

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    發表  搞鬼@死神 周四 2月 12, 2009 11:41 pm

    + Historical maximum speeds can now fall as well, if your line gets slower
    (because its bandwidth isn't fixed or because your speed was switched down).
    Only supported by variable shaper.

    x UDP program name detection was broken since build 4.01.1308. Fixed.

    - The "no pings" balloon will now appear later, i.e. the number of pings that
    must be missing for this balloon to appear is higher now.

    - FTPDATA protocol can now be set to high or higher priority, regardless of
    its packet sizes.

    - Removed tracing of minimal RTT ping packets.

    cFosSpeed 4.02 build 1312 -- 10-Aug-2007

    ! Added rx-priorisation. It works as follows:

    Each class (high, default, low, lowest) has a weight assigned. Furthermore,
    all TCP streams are mapped to a certain class (this only applies for bulk
    data; e.g. ACKs are always sent out in the higher class), according to
    filter rules. The class weight is used when TCP windows for rx-shaping are
    computed. A TCP stream with weight 100 gets a window that is about 4 times
    bigger than a stream with weight 25. This should *usually* translate into
    more speed on that stream, but not necessarily (e.g. the sending server
    might not be fast enough).

    The pre-set weights are:

    class high -weight 400
    class default -weight 100
    class low -weight 25
    class lowest -weight 6

    I.e. regular browser downloads (class default) should get about 16 times
    the speed than Torrents (class lowest).

    The weighting needs some time (some seconds) to be through, so a newly
    created higher-than-average TCP stream needs these seconds to come to full

    + Now UDP checksums are checked as well.

    + New language: Russian. That makes a total of 17 languages supported.

    + Added "spd timerstyle" command to query (just "spd timerstyle"), set
    "spd timerstyle " or list supported values ("spd timerstyle -?").
    Changes to timerstyle are only active after a restart of cFosSpeed.

    + Added layer-7 protocols SSL_S_BULK, SSL_C_BULK and SSH_BULK. Switching
    of sessions between bulk and regular mode is done automatically based
    on speed and packet sizes. Thanks to ghorvath for inspiration.

    + Added gset variable fwlog. Setting it to 0 ("spd gset fwlog 0 -save")
    will disable fwlog.txt logging of firewalled packets. Thanks to danny
    for inspiration.

    + Straightened evaluation of which filter rules determine the class of a
    connection. Now rules like -tcp-dport, etc. work as well. The third column
    of a "spd filter" output is 'c' for rules that set the class.

    + "spd reset_budget" without specifying a budget number now resets the current

    x Fixed warning that is displayed if too many connections cause rx-shaping
    to be inefficient. It was displayed regardless of the number of

    x Fixed a problem where downloads would be slowed too much. Thanks to FR.

    x FTPS (FTP with SSL, FTP with TLS) command sessions are now identified
    as FTPCMD in layer-7 detection. Thanks to ghorvath.

    x Switching the medium no longer changes the shaping algorithm. This was
    unintuitiv. If you want a different shaping algo (variable/fixed) you
    now have to switch it manually.

    - Streamlined some code in search of obnoxious "slow LAN copy" bug. Thanks
    to Steve Coolen for his help.

    - Module "ackfilter" is now disabled by default. Set "ackfilter=1" in
    section [param] in cfosspeed.ini to enable it again. This does only
    switch off the filtering of presumably superfluous TCP ACKs, not the
    regular priorisation of TCP ACKs.

    - cFosSpeed service is no longer flagged interactive. Please inform us if
    something doesn't work as expected.

    cFosSpeed 4.00 build 1283 -- 19-Jun-2007

    ! Major New Feature: Multi-User Version finally available!

    Now you can use cFosSpeed on several PCs connected to one router. Also a
    new Traffic Shaping algorithm is available for users with variable
    bandwidth. The installer lets you specify the type of broadband connection
    you have:

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    發表  搞鬼@死神 周四 2月 12, 2009 11:41 pm

    - fixed bandwidth: Your connection has fixed bandwidth and you either
    use it exclusively or all Internet traffic is routed through your PC.
    - variable bandwidth with cooperation: Either your connection has
    variable bandwidth and/or you use it with several PCs simultaneously
    (with cFosSpeed installed on each PC).
    - variable bandwidth without cooperation: Same as above, however
    at least one computer has no cFosSpeed Traffic Shaping.

    Settings: "fixed bandwidth" allows lowest ping times, followed by variable
    bandwidth with cooperation. However, if you have no influence on the
    computers connected to the broadband connection, use variable bandwidth
    without cooperation.

    For best performance, calibrate each computer independently, i.e. while
    no other computer uses the available bandwidth.

    * Now you can set MAXimum rx-speed and tx-speed!

    You can set it under Options / Settings / Preferences.

    Or, just use "spd set rx_limit " resp. "spd set tx_limit ". The
    value is in bytes as cFosSpeed calculates them. This might be up to some
    percent more than what your software shows you. It's best to look at maxrx
    resp. maxtxraw ("spd set maxrx" resp. "spd set maxtxraw") and then set the
    limit accordingly. The value is automatically saved. To set no limit, set
    it to "inf" (like "spd set rx_limit inf").

    The tx_limit is quite accurate, but the rx_limit is only met statistically,
    i.e. it's possible you receive more than the limit, but shortly afterwards
    you'll receive less.

    It is a good idea to give your client one full blast upload and download
    before setting one of those limits. Otherwise, it will have problems
    calculating, because it doesn't know the "true" line speeds.

    * Now you can display the class most packets of TCP connections and UDP pseudo-
    connections are classified to (higher, high, default, low or lowest). Use
    "spd cons -class" or -show:c, -addshow:c or -sort:c options. See other
    "cons" or "-sort:" entries here in whatsnew.txt for more details.

    The "current connections" dialog show the class as well.

    * cFosSpeed now has support to send ping messages from both usermode and
    kernelmode, named "hybrid ping". This should hopefully help with some
    firewalls that are difficult to configure or have problems with spd.exe
    sending ICMP messages. cFosSpeed will switch between usermode and kernel-
    mode ping at the beginning of a connection to ensure pings are coming

    + Added additional column with MSS to "spd cons". It is included in
    "spd -speed", can be added with "-mss" option and has the column key 'm'
    for -show, -addshow resp. -sort parameters.

    + Added additional columns for average tcp segment size (ass) to "spd cons".
    They are included in "spd -speed", can be added with "-ass" option and have
    the column keys 'a' for tx ass and 'A' for rx ass for -show, -addshow resp.
    -sort parameters.

    + Added a proper "spd cons -?" help screen.

    + New filter rules -tcp-seq and -tcp-cnt to match on bytes of sequence space
    transmitted or number of packets in this connection, respectively. Thanks
    to pogowurst for inspiration.

    + Added a warning that is displayed if too many active connections cause
    rx-shaping to be inefficient. This can be disabled with
    "spd gset balloon_many_cons 0 -save".

    + Recoded RX-shaping. cFosSpeed should now work much better with very many
    connections, like with BitTorrent.

    + Added more debug output when cfosspeed.sys can not be loaded.

    + New language: Brazilian Portuguese. That makes a total of 16 languages

    + Added manual configuration option to change the subnet mask (only applies
    if you use a router). This is needed if you have more than one router and
    use them cascaded.

    cFosSpeed already knows the network interface that is used to send data to
    the Internet and it got the subnet mask OF YOUR SUBNET. But if you use
    multiple routers it doesn't know about the subnet mask of the next-hop
    subnet. But all traffic OUTSIDE of your subnet is considered Internet
    traffic. So you can specify a BROADER subnet mask (i.e. with less 1's)

    To do that add the MAC address of the router to section [subnet_override]
    in cfosspeed.ini, followed by an equal sign and the desired new subnet mask,
    like this:


    If you don't know the MAC address of your router, use "spd ports". It's the
    router_mac value. Thanks to TSE for inspiration.

    x Changing l7-protocol priority to "Normal" didn't work. Fixed.

    x Fixed two possible causes for non-MSS aligned RWINs.

    x Fixed a problem under Vista where budget and skin settings would not be
    written to disk after modification.

    x Usage graph didn't work with user rights under Vista. Fixed.

    x Fixes in rx-shaping for slow speeds (like ISDN).

    x Fixed a rare problem with license keys when re-installing cFosSpeed.

    cFosSpeed 3.22 build 1254 -- 13-Mar-2007

    + Added gset variable save_in_session. If set to 0, it will prevent cFosSpeed
    from saving data.ini, budget and traffic stats every 10 minutes. However,
    trace.txt is still saved if output is printed to it. Thanks to Paszczak
    for the feature request.

    + We now activate the device after installation. This could fix some problems
    with non-loading drivers.

    + When lowering msslimit this is now enforced on existing connections as
    well. Before that, it only worked on new connections.

    x Fixed logging of driver load problems for Vista.

    x I hope I finally fixed that darned crash at deinstallation. Thanks to
    spookypsi and all other for dumps, patience and testing.

    cFosSpeed 3.20 build 1234 -- 28-Feb-2007

    - The cFosSpeed Multi-User Version will be available as beta within the
    next weeks. Sorry for the delay, but we had to fix the Vista issues first.

    * All cFosSpeed executables, drivers and archives are now digitally signed.
    This is a requirement for Windows Vista x64, but comes in handy for all
    other operating systems. If you download a version without a digital
    signature of "cFos Software GmbH" it has been tampered with and is not
    from us. In that case, download an original version from

    + Added proper trustinfo to manifest so Windows Vista now asks correctly at
    the start of the installer for user rights elevation.

    + New languages Danish and Swedish. Many thanks to eZtaR and Mattias Boström
    for their translations. That makes a total of 14 languages supported.
    Even more languages are downloadable from our web site, here:

    + Added media frame_count and cable_mixed. They can be chosen now from
    netconfig.hta as well.

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    發表  搞鬼@死神 周四 2月 12, 2009 11:41 pm

    + When no routes to the Internet are found, no ports are unbound. This keeps
    cFosSpeed from unbinding and binding again shortly afterwards when the
    router becomes available.

    + "spd perf" output is now scaled with K or M postfixes if values become too

    + Added -dscp filter condition. You can give a range of DSCP values as
    "-dscp x:y" or a single values like "-dscp x". See RFC2474 for details on
    DSCP and http://www.cfos.de/speed/documentation/filter_expressions.shtml for
    details on filter expressions. Thanks to Knarf for inspiration.

    + Added a parameter in the [param] section of cfosspeed.ini:
    keep_bindings=1 disables unbind operations for seemingly unused
    network adapters. Use it if you experience connection losses with VPN.

    + Added parameters to "spd cons": -time to also show the duration of
    connections and -addshow:... to also show some columns; columns are selected
    like with -show.

    + Added methods frame_count and cable_mixed.

    + Until now -l7-prot rule didn't accept the protocol "unknown", this has been
    fixed. Now you can write "filter=-tx -l7-prot unknown -c lowest" to match
    all packets with no recognised l7-protocol.

    + cFosSpeed now keeps RTTs of each TCP connection. We have to see how useful
    that turns out to be. View them with "spd cons -rtt". The column key for
    rtts is 'i'.

    + More switches for spd cons: -win, -all, -speed to add window limit, all
    variables resp. all speed critical variables to display.

    x Numerous fixes for Windows Vista:
    automatic calling of setup.exe when password was wrong; problems with
    hibernation; installation quirks; key registration problem; missing program
    names for connections; proper reporting if network installer is locked;
    proper detection if you're Admin. Thanks to Paul Pagel and all others.

    x Fixed a crash at deinstallation/update-installation. Thanks to TSE.

    x Fixed a bug where layer-7 detection sometimes confused http streaming server
    with client.

    x Fixed a problem where status windows would stay open.

    x Sometimes cFosSpeed forgot routing information after hibernation. Fixed.

    x Sometimes cFosSpeed didn't detect route changes right after reboot.
    Fixed. Thanks to Thorsten Taube.

    x Re-registering with a key.cfosspeed didn't work if the already installed
    key-file was read-only. Fixed. Thanks to ptr727 for the report.

    x Sometimes not all settings were loaded from DATA.INI when a port was opened.

    x cFosSpeed didn't find a route when the driver wasn't loaded beforehand.

    x Upload speed was sometimes too low when low-latency mode was activated.

    x Fixed a problem where cfosspeed.exe would cause 100% CPU usage right after
    install in some cases. Thanks to Schimi1983 for help.

    x Fixed a problem with Usage Graph and IE 7.

    x Fixes for poorly performing rx-shaping: download throughput would be limited
    too much. This should be better now.

    - Now cFosSpeed will no longer check or change the TcpWindowSize or RWIN
    parameter under Vista, since it's no longer supported thanks to Vista
    TCP/IP auto-tuning.

    - Added trace output for problems with power handling.

    - More changes to rx-shaping to allow smaller ping times when downloading.

    - Again a hint to heavy downloaders: limit the number of your download
    connections. This ensures more stable download rates and in the end faster
    downloads. 20-40 seems to be a good value.

    - TCP window size is now adjusted to allow 25 Mbit/s downloads.

    cFosSpeed 3.12 build 1184 -- 09-Nov-2006

    + Added -dscp option to class command to set a DSCP value to all outgoing
    packets of a class. See RFC2474 for details on DSCP.

    + Added some wait time for driver to load after install.

    + Added support for Vista interface type 71. Thanks to Paul Pagel.

    + Added context menu entry to switch latency setting

    x Fixed a problem with usage graph under Vista.

    x Tried to work around locked conditions with Vista class installer.

    x Fixed some trace output when driver didn't start.

    x Removed erroneous properties dialog in Windows' Local Area Connection.

    x Some files were not correctly deleted on uninstall. Fixed.

    x Fixed a bug in the scaling of usage graph when used with "sum" display.
    Thanks to TSE.

    x Prevented cFosSpeed from unbinding itself from CISCO VPN adapters.
    Hopefully this fixes connection problems there.

    x When a WAN connection was not set to "yes" in "connections", you could not
    enable Traffic Shaping in context menu.

    x When IP addresses where added/deleted/changed to/from the netword card the
    cFosSpeed port and window closed. Fixed.

    x Deleted IP addresses were sometimes not transferred correctly to the driver.
    This could lead to cFosSpeed ignoring all data packets. Fixed.

    x HTA fixes.

    x Tried to fix a cfosspeed.exe crash where the context menu would refer to no
    longer existing windows.

    x Usage Graph now works for non-admins.

    - After install, cFosSpeed installer will check if driver is running. If not,
    it adds a diagnostic message to the trace file, but installation continues.
    This should make installation problems better visible.

    - Context menu entries "Clear calibration data" and "Send calibration pulse"
    are now reduced to one entry.

    - Status windows show speeds now based on transmitted IP packet volume.
    Thanks to Vigil for inspiration.

    cFosSpeed 3.10 build 1153 -- 07-Aug-2006

    * New online time and volume budgets. You can assign your connections to
    one of 10 budgets in order to count your online time resp. used volume.
    You can set the day of month when your budget resets. There is a usage
    indicator for the current budget in the skin status window. Also with
    "hard limits" you can force cFosSpeed to throw away all data if the budget
    limit is exceeded.

    The "spd budget" command shows exact budget status.

    * cFosSpeed can now track the used volume for budgets, protocols and
    programs and record it into log files. There is a new dialog to display
    the usage graphically.

    The global setting traffic_stat (default 1) can be set to 0 to disable
    all budget and traffic statistic tracking.

    + Added inhibit_bridged set variable. Set it if you have a public IP address,
    but are connected with a router and not with a bridge.

    + Added better debug trace possibilities if driver doesn't load.

    + cFosSpeed default skin now has a nice explanatory "panel" that pops up
    when you hover over one of the active areas.

    + Recoded RX (downstream) traffic shaping. This should help especially
    BitTorrent users with improved download speed and better ping times. To
    further increase your download speed, limit the number of receiving
    connections. 400 seems to be normal with Azureus, but 50 result in better
    download speed.

    This fix could as well help users that had the effect of dropping TX rates
    over time.

    + RX (downstream) traffic shaping can now be switched on or off by setting
    "spd gset rx_shape 1" resp. "0". In the same way traffic shaping can now
    be totally switched on or off by setting "spd gset shape 1" resp. "0".

    + "spd cons" output can now be sorted and only specific columns can be
    printed. Use -sort: to sort and -show: to specify
    the columns to be printed. Column keys are case significant. -noudp
    and -notcp will not print UDP resp. tcp connections.

    - Initial release.

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    解决网速问题+提升网速+稳定网速 Empty 回復: 解决网速问题+提升网速+稳定网速

    發表  搞鬼@死神 周四 2月 12, 2009 11:42 pm

    Column keys are:
    p Protocol (TCP or UDP) (only display, no sort)
    l Local IP:port number
    o Remote IP:port number
    g Program name
    7 L7-protocol
    r RX volume
    t TX volume
    R Current RX speed
    T Current TX speed
    d Duration of connection
    - To reverse the sorting order

    Example: "spd cons -sort:-d -show:lod -noudp" shows all TCP connections
    and displays local and remote IP:ports and their connection time, oldest

    + When left- of right-clicking the taskbar icon, all cFosSpeed windows are
    re-set to topmost, in case they were covered with some other window.

    + HTA dialogs are now existent only once and pull their language specific
    texts from the regular ml-file speedml.txt. Translators now only have to
    translate speedml.txt and no longer work on the HTA files as well.

    + "Current Connections" has a new design and can now be sorted.

    + Added "medium /?", "set medium /?" and "set method /?" with a list of
    available settings.

    + Added new method bridged_over_aal5, sometimes known as "RFC 1483 bridged"
    or "RFC 2684 bridged". Thanks to Wanton.

    x Fixes for Dial-Up connection for Windows Vista Beta 2.

    x Now cFosSpeed runs under Vista x64. Thanks to Paul Mercer for his help.

    x LAN ports that closed due to inactivity were re-opened incorrectly. Fixed.

    x Another try to fix that annoying problem of empty taskbar icons.

    x Fixed dump_sessions 4. Thanks to martin winkler. :)

    x Now cFosSpeed properly distinguishes between http media downloads and
    streamed plays.

    x cFosSpeed would not detect cases where the router wasn't in one of your
    subnets, fixed. Thanks to tycoon.

    x Fixed install retry with corrupted DevicePath key. Thanks to Prótár Gábor.

    x Minor tweaks of the network component installation. This hopefully fixes
    installation problems with network bridges.

    x Fix for missing interface info. This could have lead to connections not
    being shaped although traffic shaping was enabled. Thanks to Arne

    x Fixed an UDP detection bug. Thanks to Kubiac.

    x Kademlia/E2K UDP detection included again.

    x Now cFosSpeed can handle up to 16 IP addresses per network card. However,
    it is assumed that only one of those addresses is used to communicate with
    the Internet. This should fix problems where users experienced slowdown
    of LAN traffic. Thanks to Daniel Hirschmann.

    x Some FTP data connections (like with Total Commander) were not properly
    detected. Fixed.

    x Now settings will be flushed to data.ini when the system shuts down.
    Thanks to thefonz.

    x Changes to fix problems when displaying taskbar icon.

    - Switched off tooltip display for skin windows.

    cFosSpeed 3.00 build 1103 -- 12-May-2006

    * Major feature: Added Protocol Layer 7 Detection. From now on, cFosSpeed
    analyzes traffic based on the transferred data rather than the port number
    used. This gives cFosSpeed precise traffic analysis capabilities and
    thereby allows you fine-grained control over your traffic. cFosSpeed
    detects the following protocols:

    Commonly used: HTTP, FTP, POP3, SMTP, IMAP4
    Voice-over IP: RTP, RTCP, SIP
    Special protocols: Telnet, SSH, SSL, IRC, DNS, (S)NTP, RPC
    Filesharing: eDonkey, Kazaa, Bittorrent, Kademlia, Gnutella(2),
    Direct Connect
    Streaming Media: HTTP-Streams with various Media-Players and RTSP

    For each protocol cFosSpeed distinguishes between client and server
    mode. All protocols can be prioritized individually. In addition there
    is a "Connections console" giving you real-time information about the
    current connections and their detected protocols. User data of these
    connections can also be recorded into a log file for analysis, see session
    dumping below.

    As a by-product you can now use internet connection sharing to connect
    several computers to the Internet and still have e.g. filesharing traffic
    prioritized low. The next major release will have additional bandwidth
    negotiation for multiple PCs connected to a single router.

    * New Technology: cFosSpeed is now available as 64-bit version for
    Windows XP x64 Edition. Driver, Status Windows and Setup and all other
    components are all true 64-bit programs! The 64-bit version has all the
    features of the 32-bit version.

    * Added firewall functionality. It's off by default. You can switch it on in
    the cFosSpeed configuration dialogs. This could be useful for x64 users,
    since there are few firewalls available for that platform.

    cFosSpeed firewall is only designed to protect you from the basic threats
    like malformed packets, source routing and known insecure open ports.
    Ingress/egress filtering is only in place for WAN (i.e. dial-up), but not for
    LAN (i.e. router) ports to protect you from IP spoofing. The firewall tries
    to stealth your PC as good as possible (i.e. make it hard to find out that a
    live system is at your IP address.)

    You can tighten and/or change the firewall rules like you see fit. Have a
    look at settings.ini (or "spd filter") for the active rules and the explanation
    in http://www.cfos.de/speed/documentation/filter_expressions.shtml.
    "spd fwstat" will show a count of blocked packets and the rules that caused the
    blocking. FWLOG.TXT contains a dump of the packets.

    * Added support for Traffic Shaping for ISDN. From now on ISDN users also
    benefit from cFosSpeed Traffic Shaping! This makes your ISDN connections
    more responsive by reducing ping times. All the advantages of the broadband
    Traffic Shaping are now available for ISDN. Be sure to check that the method
    for your ISDN connections is set to "ISDN" in cFosSpeed context-menu >

    * Added UDP pseudo-connection tracking. UDP packets between two peers are
    believed to belong to the same connection if they arrive less 10 seconds
    apart. The pseudo-connections are displayed under "spd cons" as well.
    The timeout can be adjusted by the udp_timeout gset variable (the variable
    is in milliseconds).

    * Added session dump: you can now dump TCP sessions and UDP pseudo-sessions
    in their own files. This way you can have all packets of one session in
    one file (and not more). Activate it with "spd gset dump_sessions 2" and
    switch on TCP payload dumping with "spd gset dump_tcp_data 1" (without TCP
    data dumps there won't be anything interesting for us to see). The
    maximum file size is set to 100k, if you want to change it use
    "spd gset max_session_dump_size 200k" (change "200k" to your liking).

    All in one line that is:
    spd gset dump_sessions 2; gset dump_tcp_data 1

    "spd gset dump_sessions" accepts the following values:
    0 don't dump sessions
    2 dump, but delete dump file if there was no data except TCP SYNs
    3 dump like 2, but delete also if l7-protocol is known.
    4 dump and never delete dump file

    * Added Medium selection to Options/Connections. By selecting the right
    medium you can help cFosSpeed to be more accurate with its traffic shaping.

    * Reworked cFosSpeed connection engine. You can now use multiple connections
    to the internet simultaneously. You can even use several routers at the same
    network adapter. Connection names are indicated as window names in the
    context menu. To use several connections provide several ping destinations
    by setting the parameters "ping_dest=", "ping_dest2=", "ping_dest3=", ...
    in the [Param] section of cfosspeed.ini. cFosSpeed then maintains connection
    information for each route which is used for the different ping destinations.
    As a result cFosSpeed now supports Routing for RAS (RRAS) and VPN. In order
    to use Traffic Shaping for the actual VPN connection, use a ping destination
    which is routed via VPN. If you want to use Traffic Shaping on the
    underlying connection of your VPN use the address of your VPN host as ping

    * 1337 ready! :-)

    + If your method is set to PPPoE, cFosSpeed will now limit the MSS to 1452,
    which is the maximum MSS for PPPoE anyway. The difference is only apparent
    with a router, where the MSS to the router is 1460, but afterwards only 1452.
    Thanks to thefonz for pointing that out.

    + Added turkish and traditional chinese HTML/HTA dialogs.

    + Azureus.exe has been added to program prios. Unfortunately, the new Azureus
    release uses encryption which makes detection hard. Therefore, these
    streams are not yet detected by our layer7 detection.

    + Protocols and programs that are set to "normal" prio are not matched at all
    (since there is no longer a filter rule for normal prio). Especially,
    packets of protocols that are set to normal can be matched by later
    program filters (usually protocols are matched first and only if no match
    was found, programs are matched).

    + Added "spd fstat" command to display which filters matched how often. Use it
    to check if your filters are working. "spd fstat -clear" clears the stats.

    + Added "click-through" mode to skin windows. If you activate it, mouse clicks
    are processed by the window beneath the cFosSpeed skin window.

    + Added new spd command "spd connections" or "spd cons". This will show a
    list of all tcp connections with traffic, uptime and program, one per line.

    + Added new skin variable "latency_mode" and a new action to execute SPD
    commands via skin buttons. Thus our skins now allow you to switch to low
    latency mode. The additional variable "latency" indicates if low latency
    mode is actually on.

    + In some installations windows can't find it's .INF files and therefore cannot
    install cFosSpeed. The cFosSpeed installer now retries the installation with
    a fix the registry (DevicePath key). Thanks to José Miguel Sá for his help.

    + Added new method ip_over_aal5 (a.k.a. RFC 1483/2684 Routed). Some ISPs
    reportedly use it. Added new medium ip_over_aal5 as well.

    + Renamed medium dsl_pppoa to dsl_pppoa_vc_mux and added new medium

    + Added some more trace output why ports where disconnected.

    + Added gset variable "port_close_time". After this many seconds without
    traffic a LAN port will close automatically.

    + Now tray icons are re-displayed after explorer restarts.

    + Errors while doing a "spd reload" are now printed on the console as well
    (not only to the trace.txt file).

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    發表  搞鬼@死神 周四 2月 12, 2009 11:43 pm

    + The new gset parameter "strict_rtp_check=0" in the [Param] section of
    cfosspeed.ini can now turn off strict checking of RTP packets. With strict
    checking RTP packets must contain a source ID, previously introduced by a
    corresponding RTCP packet. Disable this check if you use Voice over IP
    Software which doesn't generate RTCP packets, like VoIPBuster. Default is 1

    + Rx shaping should more smooth now, i.e. you should experience less
    fluctuations in the ping time.

    + Better ping times in "Favour Ping Time" mode, since now the MSS is limited
    to 536 bytes in that mode, but only if your connection is slower than
    about 20-30 kb/sec.

    + Improved accuracy of downstream speed calculation.

    + "method" set variable can now be entered and displayed symbolically.

    + Added -rand filter rule. See
    http://www.cfos.de/speed/documentation/filter_expressions.shtml for details.

    + When a packet is dropped because it is totally malformed, it is dumped to
    the FWLOG.TXT file.

    + The rule that caused a packet to be dropped is now printed to FWLOG.TXT.

    + Added IP fragmentation support.

    + Reintroduced TCP checksums: if a packet doesn't check out, it will be
    ignored by cFosSpeed.

    + Some internal changes and speed improvements.

    + Added "spd dump ip" to dump IP packets (possibly fragmented) and
    "spd dump ipr" to dump IP datagrams (after IP reassembly) when they are
    handled by cFosSpeed.

    - Switched off detectors for Kademlia and E2K UDP protocols for now, since
    they create too many false positives.

    - Removed filter_expressions.txt from distribution. See
    http://www.cfos.de/speed/documentation/filter_exp.htm instead.

    - The yes/no/auto setting for a network card without router now determines the
    default value for this card with router.

    - New design of HTA's.

    x Fixed a bug in medium selection under Options/Connections: sometimes the
    new medium would not be properly selected.

    x Fixed a bug where sometimes the window wouldn't open in router mode.

    x Fixed a bug where the yes/no/auto setting for networks cards could sometimes
    be lost after route changes.

    x Fixed a problem where LAN ports would close and not re-open correctly
    afterwards. Thanks to Henrik Steiner and all others who provided me with

    x cFosSpeed would sometimes not ask if a WAN connection should be shaped.

    x Fixed a bug where windows of WAN ports would disappear after some minutes.
    Thanks to Theodor Ramisch for his report.

    x Now tcp_warn switch is properly read from param section of cfosspeed.ini
    and properly inited.

    x Finally, on WAN ports traffic shaping should be activated and status windows
    should open properly.

    x Fixed a crash in installation process (actually while unloading cFosSpeed).
    Thanks to Armin Schöffmann for a dump.

    x In rare cases, packets could be lost with WAN connections. Fixed.

    x Fixed a problem where .ini files could not be accessed due to sharing

    搞鬼@死神 在 周四 2月 12, 2009 11:45 pm 作了第 1 次修改

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    發表  搞鬼@死神 周四 2月 12, 2009 11:43 pm

    x Changed initialisation code. Now cFosSpeed waits for the system to be
    fully up and running until it reads its settings from disk. This should
    prevent disk read problems, especially from cfosspeed.ini, which was
    sometimes not yet accessible when cFosSpeed was started.

    x Fixed a rare UNEXPECTED_KERNEL_MODE_TRAP crash. Thanks to Samuel Lee
    for a minidump and testing.

    x We finally fixed that psched.sys crash. Thanks to Mario Steinhauser for

    x Tx packets that have to be dropped because of queue overflow are again
    counted as regular packets in NETSTAT. The "Overflow packets" line has
    been removed and the packets again appear in the "queue overflow" line
    in CSTAT.

    This removes a "feature" that was added in v2.03.995, but did not work well.
    In particular, it caused Azureus with many uploads to overflow the queues.
    This, in return, caused other applications' data to be dropped also and thus
    their performance to be very poor.

    Now, each traffic class has (again) it's own overflow limit of this many
    bytes: max_queue_size (in msecs) * tx_speed (in bytes/sec) / 1000.
    I.e. if one traffic class' queue overflows, the other ones' are not

    x On connections with low-downstream bandwidth rx shaping might have taken some
    seconds to effectively kick in. Fixed.

    x Too many packets were logged to FWLOG.TXT. Fixed.

    x Final fix for that RTP crash. Thanks to Armin Schöffmann for testing.

    cFosSpeed 2.12 -- 19-Sep-2005

    x In the old 2.12 the turkish language files were missing. Fixed.

    cFosSpeed 2.12 -- 15-Sep-2005

    + Added differential statistics to "spd pingstat". The numbers in brackets
    are the counts starting after the last time a ping worked. This should
    help diagnose problems where pings work but at some time stop doing so.

    + Circumvented some strange behaviour with certain routers that resulted in
    switching method from PPPoE to PPPoA. Thanks to Hagen Roehrig and Benny
    for traces.

    + Language added: Hungarian, which makes a total of 12 languages supported.

    + "spd cstat" now shows txspeed and max_queue_size as well.

    x TCP RWIN is now set so that DSL-6000 (and other 6mbit fast connections)
    will work with full speed.

    x Some other components seem to have problems when cFosSpeed executes
    concurrent calls to BindAdapter in parallel. Now cFosSpeed executes only
    one call at a time. Thanks to KY Wong for testing.

    x Fixed a bug that caused the ACK-filter to filter way too many ACKs, thus
    degrading download performance. Thanks to AlexV for his help.

    x Circumvented a crash that sometimes happened in Windows' pshed.sys.

    x Fix for multiple loads of cFosSpeed on Terminal Services.

    x Fixed problems with HTA dialogs related to registry permissions.

    - Removed all "fixes" for that "socket send error 10022". It turned out that
    the only working fix to this problem was to deinstall the firewall (in two
    cases it was the AVG firewall). Hopefully, the firewall's manufacturer
    will fix the problem.

    cFosSpeed 2.10 -- 28-Jul-2005

    * Added RTP (real-time transport protocol, RFC 2550) support. cFosSpeed
    will automatically detect RTP data and put it into the 'high' class, thus
    ensuring fast transmission and low latency. Popular RTP applications are
    Voice over IP (VoIP) and streaming media.

    * New skin: Liquid crystal! This skin can be used in conjunction with your
    own bitmap. To use your own background image, replace back.tga in the
    line "background=back.tga" in the [All] section with name of your
    bitmap. As a sample we included matrix.tga.

    * We added a basic firewall functionality to cFosSpeed. It uses the concept
    of filter rules, which are used anyway to schedule outgoing traffic.
    The firewall settings are NOT ACTIVE, though. If you want to filter
    your traffic comment in the desired rules in settings.ini.

    Now incoming packets are filtered as well, but the only two classes they
    can be put into are 'drop' (to filter out a packet) or any other class
    to let the packet pass.

    See filter_expressions.txt for a documentation of supported rules.

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    發表  搞鬼@死神 周四 2月 12, 2009 11:44 pm

    * There is one more thing: we sometimes read about cFosSpeed problems like
    "it never worked for me" in other people's forums. PLEASE, tell US about
    your issues with cFosSpeed. We cannot possibly check all the forums on
    the net and often we cannot answer to whoever wrote that.

    The easiest way to talk to us is through our forum online at

    * New language: Turkish. This makes a total of 11 languages supported
    (Chinese simplified, Chinese traditional, English, German, Spanish, French,
    Italian, Japanese, Korean and Polish were already supported). Thanks to
    www.geek.com.tr for their help!

    Other languages (right now Dutch, Hungarian, Macedonian, Portuguese, Swedish
    and Thai), which were translated by third parties are available here:

    + You can disable the balloon about missing pings permanently by setting
    "spd gset balloon_no_pings 0 -save".

    + Tx packets that have to be dropped because of queue overflow are no longer
    counted as regular packets in NETSTAT, but added to "Overflow packets"
    instead. So statistics now reflect what was really sent to the net, not
    to cFosSpeed.

    + TCP data retransmissions of packets that are still queued are no longer
    sent out. This can save some 1% tx volume.

    + Improved the way ping messages are sent out. This does not fix the "no
    pings" balloon, but help the shaping algorithm to run more smoothly.

    + In order to see how effective Traffic Shaping is, you can now temporarily
    enable/disable it in the context menu. This setting is not saved.

    + Added support for composite background images for the skins. Also you can
    now limit skin sections for cFos or cFosSpeed only. So you can make skins
    for both products. See www.cfos.de/techinfo/skin.htm for details.

    + Usually cFosSpeed handles your TCP MSS ("MSS clamping") (i.e. the MTU for
    TCP packets). This work automatically and the MSS values are chosen so
    data transfer rates and ping times are best. But if you want cFosSpeed
    to leave the MSS alone, you can now set "spd gset handle_mss 0" to
    instruct it so. Add a "-save" to have the setting saved in cfosspeed.ini.
    Switching off MSS handling is not recommended.

    + Changed internal locking and priority of driver. This could make cFosSpeed
    process data a little faster. We're talking microseconds here, so don't
    expect anything big.

    + Added gset dump_framing variable.

    + You can now call "snapshot" from the cFosSpeed console. This prints the
    output of "spd.exe -tcpview" into a file named priolist.txt. If you have
    a suggestion of a program we should include in our priorities dialog
    you can send us priolist.txt with the name of the program.

    + Removed TCP checksumming and some other sanity checks. If cFosSpeed gets
    invalid packets now it's likely it'll ignore them and just pass them on.
    Before now, they would have been dropped.

    + Added sethops command to ease setting the add_hops parameter to a desired
    value. Just use "spd sethops " to make test pings have TTL .

    + Added more diagnostic code to prevent erroneous "No pings" balloons.
    These diagnostics are displayed in the "spd pingstat" command as well.

    + All global variables (which can be shown with "spd gset") can now be saved
    to cfosspeed.ini by typing "spd gset -save".

    + New gset variables max_dump_size, max_fwlog_size, max_pinglog_size that
    hold the maximum sizes for the respective log/dump files.

    + "spd set" and "gset" commands now accept numbers with binary units (like
    k, m, g etc) and hex values (numbers prefixed by "0x"). E.g.
    "spd gset max_dump_size 10m" sets the maximum size the dump.txt file
    can get to 10 megabytes.

    + Added PINGLOG.TXT as a debugging aid when pings don't work. It is disabled
    by default. Use "spd gset pinglog 1" to enable.

    + Improved performance of SPD.EXE when used on a router (like an ICS server).

    + addhops variable can now be negative. If you get few Ping responses with
    the auto-configured ttl, try using "spd set addhops -1".

    + cFosSpeed will now try to meet the percentage of low prio classes better.
    This was sometimes exceeded in the past.

    + spd cstat command now shows percentage of sent data in each class.

    + New command "spd close" to force a close on a WAN port, thus writing out
    all traces, .ini files and debug info.

    + Icon skins are now supported on systems older than XP and on systems with
    16-bit colour depth.

    + New gset variable dump_arp can be set to 0 to inhibit dumping of ARP blocks.
    New gset variable tcp_warn can be set to 0 to inhibit writing of warnings
    about tcp to the trace file.

    + New filter '-tcp-connections range'. See filter_expressions.txt which is
    now included in the distribution as well. If you want to limit the number
    of total tcp-connections (to 200 in this example), enter this line in
    cFosSpeed's home directory:

    spd filter -I 0 -tcp-flags SYN,RST SYN -tcp-connections 200: -c drop

    + Added timerstyle mode 3 (Tick Counter).

    x Fixed a crash when cFosSpeed was loaded a second time in a different
    terminal session. Fixed: only one cFosSpeed can run at a time, first come,
    first serve.

    x The burst code should be more stable now.

    x After starting "burst", "method" was erroneously set to 5 (Raw IP) when
    used with a router. Fixed. Thanks to Alf v. Zweydorff for the hint.

    x Fixed a bug which could result in wrong amounts of "Segments w/o
    connection". This could have been the cause for processes sending too
    fast, even with low(est) priorisation.

    x Fixed some more "unverified RST" warnings. Strange TCP segments travel the
    Internet! :)

    x Fixed a condition where the computer would freeze while transferring data.

    x Tiny Desktop Firewall caused cFosSpeed to stop transmitting when it popped
    up a question-box to the user about outgoing data. Fixed. Thanks to Peter
    Müller for testing and help.

    x A download speed problem with Azureus and BitComet has been fixed.

    x Further relaxed the checks of ping replies. This might fix "no ping"
    balloons some users were getting. Thanks to Desi B for traces.

    x Fixed gset dump_tcp_data and dump_udp_data variables. You could change them
    but it had only effect when you saved and then restarted. Now it works

    x Improvements to the ACK filter for certain download hosts. Thanks to the
    alert eye of Alex Varzakanos.

    x DATA.INI may not have been written when shutting down cFosSpeed. Fixed.

    x Fixed counting error in NETSTAT command (TCP/Checksum errors).

    x Changing a program priority to "normal" didn't work. Fixed.

    x The calibration pulse (burst) could have set addhops to a router that
    doesn't answer pings. Fixed.

    x Programs that were started with options may have been ignored by program
    priorisation. Fixed.

    x Fixed a bug that could have caused priority rules not to be evaluated when
    cFosSpeed was used with a router.

    x Fixed bug in priority.hta.

    x Fixed an error when deleting programs in the priority dialog. This
    dialog is also much faster now.

    x Added spd commands 'ping' to generate a ping and 'pingstat' to see some
    numbers to help trace the problem of unsent pings.

    x Fixed a bug that caused the notorious "pings don't seem to come through"
    balloon tip to come up for some people. Thanks to Dave Adams for his help.

    If the balloon is still appearing on your system, check your firewall/router
    if they drop ping or tracert packets or answers. You can try it on
    ping www.cfos.de -or-
    tracert www.cfos.de

    x Fixed a potential problem crash in spd.exe (the cFosSpeedS service).

    - Increased the guaranteed percentage of tx bandwidth for low and lowest
    classes from 20% to 25%.

    - "spd tsclear" and the context menu entry "clear calibration data" will no
    longer clear the addhops and msslimit and the new avg_time parameters.

    - gset variables functrace and dumptcpdata are renamed to func_trace and

    cFosSpeed 2.02 -- 23-Feb-2005

    x Pings sometimes weren't sent, thus causing the balloon tip error message.
    This has hopefully been fixed.

    x Fixed a problem with font sizes for far-east languages.

    x Fixed a problem where the speed dials in skin windows wouldn't be displayed.

    x Fixed another problem with decreasing tx speeds.

    cFosSpeed 2.00 -- 18-Feb-2005

    ! Some hacks that are circulating break cFosSpeed's traffic shaping!
    These versions appear to be working, but are not. To avoid this,
    use an official download from http://www.cfos.de. If cFosSpeed is
    good enough that you want to use it past its test period, consider buying
    it and spare yourself the frustration of hacks and cracks.

    * cFosSpeed now has a low-latency mode for online gamers, VoIP users and
    other friends of high responsiveness. In low-latence mode cFosSpeed
    maximizes bandwidth, but only as long as ping-time is not affected.
    In bandwidth mode cFosSpeed minimizes ping-time, but only as long as
    bandwidth is not affected. Have a look at some test results
    (T-DSL 2000, 2000/192 kbit/sec down/up):

    down up favour bandwidth favour pingtime
    1 0 226/-/120 206/-/72
    0 1 -/22.6/96 -/21.2/84
    1 1 216/16.6/172 164/15.1/91

    The values are downstream rate/upstream rate/ping time for only download,
    only upload and download and upload at the same time.

    To switch cFosSpeed to low-latency mode (and back), click on the tray icon,
    then Options, Priorities and flip the big switch there. :)

    * cFosSpeed has now a way to set priority to data sent by certain programs!
    We added two more traffic classes and a more advanced scheduling to help
    you manage your traffic.

    The idea is as follows: all regular traffic goes into class default. The
    standard filter rules already care to prioritize packets like TCP ACKs etc,
    there is no need to change these.

    Constant background traffic like peer-to-peer traffic goes into class "lowest".
    If there is enough bandwidth, data will be sent out immediately. However if there
    is a shortage (maybe, because you are using your connection interactively)
    this class will have only reduced bandwidth, so you can surf fast.

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    發表  搞鬼@死神 周四 2月 12, 2009 11:44 pm

    VoIP and online gaming packets are sent in class high, since they are time-

    Mail and FTP uploads go into class "low", since they are not as time-critical
    as your interactive surfing, but more than peer-to-peer uploads.

    You can use our new dialog under Options/Priorities to enter program names
    and set priorities.

    Technically, new -tcp-prog, -udp-prog, -prog filter rules allow to specify
    the name of the program that sent the datagram.

    This only works starting with Windows XP (sorry, you Win2k users, no API
    for us to use!) AND it only works if the program is running on the same
    machine as cFosSpeed.

    To manage these rules, new spd commands addkey, delkey and showsect have
    been added to add a key to a section, delete a key from a section and
    view a section in settings.ini.

    * cFosSpeed now manages TCP ACKs and filters unnecessary ACKs! This saves
    bandwidth and is sometime essential for high transfer rates.

    Usually about 10% of download traffic volume is needed in the upstream
    direction to notify the host that the data has arrived correctly (TCP ACKs).
    cFosSpeed now filters non-essential TCP ACKs to free up bandwidth in the
    upstream direction.

    * Skins now support 'icon windows'. You can create a skin window which
    is displayed as a tray icon, instead of a normal window. See our sample
    skin 'cFosSpeed Icon' for details.

    * Added French, Italian, Spanish, Korean and Japanese language support, which
    makes a total of 10 languages supported by default (German, English, Polish,
    traditional Chinese and simplified Chinese were already supported in v1.08).

    Third parties have provided Macedonian, Hungarian, Swedish and Turkish
    language support.
    See http://www.cfos.de/speed/documentation/mldoc.htm for download and information
    how to build your own language file. Thanks for your support!

    * Added a first version of TX and RX shaping gain indicators to the regular
    (non-numerical) skin.

    * cFosSpeed now has a system service. This allows network binding changes,
    even if no user is logged in (as admin). Also traffic shaping is now
    possible without being logged in. For dial-up connections to be shaped
    when no user is logged on you have to set the respective connections to
    "yes" in the traffic shaping options dialog.

    * Speed settings for traffic classes can now be set in percent. -speed 1000
    sets a class to a speed of 1000 bytes/sec, and -speed 10% (or -speed 10perc)
    sets a class to 10 per cent of the tx speed. Note that there must be no
    space between the number (in this example, "10") and the "%" resp. the
    text "perc".

    Furthermore, you can specify which priority traffic has when the speed
    is exceeded. To do this, use the syntax "-speed ,". Example: one of the standard classes is specified as
    "class low -prio 0 -speed 20%,-10", which means that up to a speed of 20% of
    the total tx speed traffic is send with priority 0 (which is default),
    traffic exceeding this speed is sent with priority -10 (that is, default
    traffic is sent first, then then prio -10 traffic).

    * New spd command: reload. It will reread filter settings. Classes are not
    affected by a reload, though.

    x Circumvented a bug in AVM's KEN! that prevented cFosSpeed from working.

    x Fixed a bug with remote desktop.

    x Fixed a bug that prevented binding of new ports to succeed if done through
    the cFosSpeed Traffic Shaping Options dialog. This bug was introduced in
    some earlier 1.09 build.

    x Fixed a spurious hang of cFosSpeed.exe.

    x Fixed a problem where options dialog could not be opened if IE was not the
    default browser.

    x Timerstyle is by default now set to 2 (performance counter) instead of 1
    (TSC). This fixes some rare timing problems.

    x Fixed a problem where after some days errors like "SocketException: No buffer
    space available" would come up.

    x Fixed a bug where cFosSpeed would crash right after a boot when you used it

    x Fixed a rare crash if BindAdapter failed (v1.08: at address cfosspeed+14ae1)

    x Fixed bugs where files would be copied encrypted to windows system dir
    and cFosSpeed destination dir due to an encrypted temp dir. Now all
    unpacked files will be decrypted before they are copied to the windows
    system dir and the cFosSpeed destination dir. cFosSpeed will not run
    correctly if you encrypt its files!

    x When up- and downloading at the same time with full speed, with some DSL
    connections cFosSpeed would send too fast, thus causing slower downloads.
    This problem was introduced in v1.09 and has been fixed now. Thanks to Alex
    Varzakanos for reporting and testing.

    x Fixed a bug in display of the fastlane arrows, introduced in some earlier
    1.09 build.

    x Fixed a bug where router connections would open and close all the time.

    x Fixed some stupid bug that would switch off traffic shaping after some time.
    This would be obvious through an unnatural high count in TCP "Segments w/o

    x Fixed a problem where cFosSpeed would handle outgoing data, but not
    incoming. The green indicators would show traffic, whereas the red ones
    would not.

    x Fixed a bug that caused send speed to drop down more and more. This bug
    was introduced in some earlier build. Thanks to Hugo Caeiro for his help.

    - Windows XP prior to SP2 has a bug that prevents two NDIS filter drivers
    (like cFosSpeed or ProtoWall or maybe other firewalls) from working
    together. After installation of the second product everything will work,
    but after the next reboot one product will get no more data at all.
    If you experience this problem and use Windows XP or SP1, install SP2!
    The same holds true for Windows Server 2003. Get the SP1 or its RC to
    fix the problem.

    - Installer now disables cFosSpeed devices prior to uninstallation.

    - Filter and class changes are now saved right away after issuing a spd
    command. No more need to use "spd save" after changing. "spd save" (with
    no options) will save both filters and classes now.

    - Added debug output for detection of VPN connections.

    - Just for info: if you have an Ethernet DSL modem, be aware that the modem
    works as a network bridge. If you have a cable modem, this may work as
    a bridge, too. Some Internet by cable providers flood the accounts with
    ARP packets. Now, if you have both bridges and you are only with both
    accounts, the ARP packets from the ISP are bridged into your net and then
    out again through the DSL modem. They waste bandwidth, though and cause
    traffic shaping to behave quite erratic.
    Solution: attach both bridges to separate netword cards or use a NAT
    router on the cable modem.

    cFosSpeed 1.08 -- 17-Sep-2004

    * cFosSpeed now supports third party translations. All texts are stored
    in multi-language files. If you like to provide a translation
    for your language, see http://www.cfos.de/speed/docs/mldoc.htm. We
    will then provide your language files in our download section or in
    upcoming cFosSpeed distributions.

    * UI Language can now be selected through the cFosSpeed context menu.

    x cFosSpeed didn't send a proper calibration pulse (burst). Fixed.

    x Fixed a problem where cFosSpeed would receive data from a Hauppauge
    TV card.

    x Fixed a problem with ever growing .INI files introduced in some earlier
    1.07 build. Delete CFOSSPEED.INI and reinstall the latest version.

    x Fixed a GPF that happened when starting cfosspeed.exe without having
    administrator rights.

    x Fixed a problem where strange behaviour in some firewalls would prohibit
    traffic shaping from working.

    x Sometimes the installation failed with error code "Class not registered".

    x cFosSpeed's NDIS filterclass ordered below "loadbalance"; this fixes a
    problem with Protowall.

    x On some machines AUTOCHK would not check the disk cFosSpeed was installed
    to at boot time. Fixed.

    cFosSpeed 1.06 -- 03-Aug-2004

    * We added a numerical skin. Up and downstream speeds are displayed as

    x Fixed a problem that prohibited connections e.g. to blizzard.com
    or battle.net.

    x Installation hung on some machines. Fixed.

    x Sygate Firewall is now detected and a box is shown that the alleged
    "Ping of Death" is of no danger.

    cFosSpeed 1.04 -- 21-Jul-2004

    x Fixed a problem if your PC got his IP address with DHCP.

    x Some people were unable to see the network when cFosSpeed was installed.

    x Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the registration of key.cfosspeed
    file to fail with the message "Registration failed" ("Registrierung
    fehlgeschlagen" in German), but no explanation.

    x Some install procedures of cFosSpeed 1.02 hung. Fixed.

    cFosSpeed 1.02 -- 15-Jul-2004

    * DATA.INI is now saved to disk every 10 minutes and at the end of a

    * You can change the default time a LAN port is considered 'open' without
    traffic (default: 5 minutes) by setting port_close_time= in
    cfosspeed.ini, section [param].

    x Changed behaviour "Auto" router connections are handled. Now the
    permanent adding and removing of ports should be avoided.

    x Fixed a bluescreen (at address cfosspeed+0x3f27).

    x Fixed a problem where internal data could get messed up.

    cFosSpeed 1.00 -- 07-Jul-2004

    男 帖子数 : 236
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    象征 : 解决网速问题+提升网速+稳定网速 Images10
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    發表  搞鬼@绝情 周五 2月 13, 2009 9:51 pm

    chow siang i want this copy to me

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    發表  搞鬼@死神 周五 2月 13, 2009 11:21 pm

    搞鬼@绝情 寫到:chow siang i want this copy to me


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    象征 : 解决网速问题+提升网速+稳定网速 Images10
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    文本内容 : 一直再更新毛发滴和尚
    注册日期 : 2009-01-14

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    發表  搞鬼@绝情 周六 2月 14, 2009 7:27 pm


    男 帖子数 : 236
    年龄 : 32
    性格 : 绝情
    象征 : 解决网速问题+提升网速+稳定网速 Images10
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    文本内容 : 一直再更新毛发滴和尚
    注册日期 : 2009-01-14

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    發表  搞鬼@绝情 周六 2月 14, 2009 7:54 pm


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    發表  搞鬼@永恒的愛 周一 3月 16, 2009 8:26 pm


    男 帖子数 : 119
    年龄 : 31
    地点 : MY HOUSE
    职业/爱好 : ANYTHING
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    發表  搞鬼@永恒的愛 周一 3月 16, 2009 8:26 pm


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